Amnesty Aktivizmus

Szeretnénk, ha az Amnesty International aktivistái tudnának egy helyet maguknak az Interneten, ahol értesülhetnek a legfrissebb eseményekről, kampányokról és Sürgős Akciókról. Ezért jött létre ez a blog.

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Activist letter

2010.01.22. 15:11 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!

Dear All,

In our second activist newsletter of the year we are happy to let you know that the present making and postcard writing solidarity action for Ketrin was very nice thanks to the origamis, postcards and drawings made by many of you. We will take them to her with the IS mission next weekend. Pictures:

Romani children in the Czech Republic suffer discrimination in the enjoyment of their right to education. Change it!

The Hungary team at the IS will visit Hungary between January 29-February 8 to research the issue of violent attacks against Roma. They are arraging meetings with civil society and families of victims of attacks as well as the authorities in order to make recommendations for effective action against the attacks in spring 2010. We are currently trying to arrange one night (either February 3rd or 5rd) when activists, members can meet the members of the research team. We will keep you update. Thank you for forwarding our call for volunteer translators!

We have so far written 22 emails to the Prime Minister of Uganda, but keep writing! In October 2009, Parliamentarian David Bahati introduced draconian legislation in Uganda that would make "any form of sexual relation between persons of the same sex" punishable by prison or even death. The bill even takes aim at those offering protection or support to any lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) person by instituting harsh prison sentences of up to 7 years.

We recruited 3 new interns starting from February as well as 21 new translators who will help us out with translation. Hopefully soon we can have a biligual website, including AIHU comunity site etc...

Finally a few websites:

Photos of December 10th are now available:

AIHU community website:

and the blog:


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