Amnesty Aktivizmus

Szeretnénk, ha az Amnesty International aktivistái tudnának egy helyet maguknak az Interneten, ahol értesülhetnek a legfrissebb eseményekről, kampányokról és Sürgős Akciókról. Ezért jött létre ez a blog.

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Act now!

2010.01.22. 12:01 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!

Amnesty International is continuing its fight against Roma discrimination in the year 2010. Its most current report issued on January 13th, focuses on discrimination of Roma children in Czech Republic. Amnesty International is calling upon the government of the Czech Republic to show leadership and direction to reverse racial discrimination in education and address grave violations of the right to education for Romani children.

It is up to you to CHANGE THIS SITUATION!

"Change it" is a website for action and more information, regarding discrimination in the right to education for Romani children in the Czech Republic. A web action is available there urging people to write to the Minister of Education and call for the genuise implementation of the European Court Judgement through the elimination of all discriminatory barries, which prevent Romani children from fully enjoying their right to education. Once a person sings the action an email is directly sent to the Minister.


Act now and change it!


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