Amnesty Aktivizmus

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16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

2009.10.14. 12:04 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence starts on 25 November and it will conclude with the Human Rights day on 10 December.

We would like to call in as many activists as possible to organize the programs. We consider it important for you to be the participiant of the series of events, by which we try to call the society's attention that there are numberless situation when women have to face violence and we must act with words and action, and not to look away. We ask you to contribute with some ideas and help to organize or to recruit other people.

Write an e-mail to if you would like to take part in it or if you have any ideas and tips. Come to Merlin Theatre on 19 November, 18 pm there will be a discussion organized joint by NANE, MONA and Amnesty International. Address: Gerlóczy street 4, Budapest, 1052. (2 minutes from Deák square)

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