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Act Now!

2010.01.18. 15:23 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!

In October 2009, Parliamentarian David Bahati introduced draconian legislation in Uganda that would make "any form of sexual relations between persons of the same sex" punishable by prison or even death. The bill even takes aim at those offering protection or support to any lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) person by instituting harsh prison sentences of up to 7 years.

If the Ugandan Parliament chooses to endorse this hateful legislation, it would be responsible for depriving countless Ugandans of their human rights as well as placing LGBT people throughout the world at significantly greater risk.
The vote on this bill could happen as soon as the end of this month, so we've got to act fast.
If you support LGBT and human rights, please help to stop this bill from being enacted and  forward the below email to the Prime Minister of Uganda ( with your own name and country. Please do not forget to Bcc me (

Thanks for fighting human rights!

Interested in getting involved with LGBT rights? Join the currently forming AIHU LGBT group! Write to their secretary Fülöp Ágnes ( or to their coordinator Szilvia Major ( . Also feel free to attend their regular meetings on Mondays, 6 p.m. Amstel River Cafe, 1052 Budapest, Párizsi u. 6.

Dear Prime Minister Mr. Apolo Nsibambi,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the violation of human rights by the “Anti-Homosexuality Bill” that would make any form of sexual relations between persons of the same sex punishable by prison or even death.
If enacted, the entire bill would lead to the violation of a number of human rights including the rights to freedom from discrimination; freedom of expression; life; privacy; health; liberty and security of person; right to fair trial; freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of peaceful assembly; freedom of association and the rights of the child.
The bill would significantly restrict the work of human rights defenders and hinder the efforts for HIV/AIDS prevention.
Further the provision in the bill, which seeks to unilaterally re-interpret Uganda’s international human rights treaty obligations, would contravene Uganda’s general international legal obligations.
With most respect, I would like to call on the government of Uganda and the Ugandan parliament:
To reject this bill in its entirety, review existing laws that criminalize homosexuality and reaffirm Your commitment to upholding the universality of human rights.
Truely believing that You feel responsibility for Uganda’s well-being and human rights.


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