Amnesty Aktivizmus

Szeretnénk, ha az Amnesty International aktivistái tudnának egy helyet maguknak az Interneten, ahol értesülhetnek a legfrissebb eseményekről, kampányokról és Sürgős Akciókról. Ezért jött létre ez a blog.

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Weekly Report

2009.10.22. 14:52 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!


As last week, we report also this week about what has happened in Amnesty' s office during the past days. The meeting with NANE on Monday regarding the 16 Days of Action was very effective, we came up with many new ideas and progress was achived in numerous issues. There are only few touches left on the earlier mentioned 16 postcards. We would like to thank those activists, who has been very enthusiastic and helpful, for the many ideas and possibilities. We look forward an accept more tips about how the 16 Days of Action could be made more interesting and how we can get more visitors to see our programs.

There will be lectures and discussions about several themes, we are planning theatre performances, interactive exhibitions, projections. If you have any ideas regarding the mentioned programs, or if you are interested and would like to come, or you would just like to add something to the theme, write us an e-mail because we are interested in the opinions of all activists.

The contact person is still:

Be a participant in the 16 Days of Action!


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