Amnesty Aktivizmus

Szeretnénk, ha az Amnesty International aktivistái tudnának egy helyet maguknak az Interneten, ahol értesülhetnek a legfrissebb eseményekről, kampányokról és Sürgős Akciókról. Ezért jött létre ez a blog.

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Demonstration October 20

2009.10.16. 16:28 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!

Note: This is not an official event organised by Amnesty International Hungary

Dear Activists!

One of our activists, Kálmán Lakatos has not seen his son and daugther, because his life partner managed to convince the canadian authorities to put him in jail and not to let him see his children and not let him in the country until 2010. In 2005 the man asked for help from the hungarian police and the authority found out the fraud but the father hasn't seen his children since then, so he is trying to bring people's notice to his problem. He has been convicted as non quilty and has evidence from this.

He will demonstrate on 20 October, 13 pm Tuesday afternoon . Location: Ministry Department of Justice, 4 Kossuth street, Budapest ( there is a statue in front of the square).

Come as many as possible and try to help him to clear his name and to get his children back!

Note: This is not an official event organised by Amnesty International Hungary


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