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Activists Letter 8. issue

2010.04.16. 16:17 | zsofi85 | Szólj hozzá!

Activist Newsletter
8. issue – 16. 04. 2010

Dear Readers!
Yet another 2 weeks have passed, and here we are with our 8th activist newsletter. We have a lot of things to report from the past two weeks. Lets get started!
Through Disztró, a network distributing publications of non-govermental organizations, couriers will disperse Amnesty International Hungary's flyers to various points in Budapest and Hungary. Look for our publications in the following places: Kiadó, Sirály, Szimpla, Tranzit, Corvinus, Hajtás-pajtás, A38, and the cafes and clubs in Pécs, Gödöllő and Baja.
English-Hungarian translation workshop:
We will hold our first english-hungarian translator workshop on the 19th April, thanks to Iván Sellei, professional translator and interpretor. We had altogether 33 inqueries about this program, so we will try to organize other occasions too. So if You missed it this time, don' worry, there will be another opportunity soon! Thanks to everyone for the registration!
In the last two weeks we had 7 new activists joining Amnesty International! Az elmúlt két hétben 7 új aktivistával bővült az Amnesty International Magyarország! Welcome to the team!
Offering Your 1%:
You can offer the 1% of your tax until 20th May 2010. We ask You to offer 1% of Your tax to Amnesty International Hungary! Support human rights!
Our tax number: 19015985-1-41
International Roma Day:
On 8th April 2010 was International Roma Day, on which occasion Tűzraktér organized a roma day. TASZ presented their documentary, Withouth Rights, which was followed by a discussion with the representatives of TASZ. AI Hungary was present as well, handing out our new flyers and presenting the „right to Housing” campaign. We had 7 people signing the letter to the mayor of Csíkszereda!
Democracy Acedemy:
Our campaigncoordinator, Orsi held a lecture for the students at Democracy Academy, focusing mastly on Amnesty International and human rights in general. She managed to recruit 4 activists and one member as well.
Activist meet-up:
As You might already know, we have a meet-up every Friday from 6 PM in Gödör, so that we can keep in touch and come up with the programs for the spring and summer festivals. The programs for SZIGET2010, Ördögkatlan and Non-Profit Night are taking shape. We still have a lot to do, so everyone is welcome tonight at Gödör!
Equator Bazaar (12-13-14. May): Equator Bazaar social work days are organized as part of Equator 2010 equality campaign. AI will be attending too with the LGBT and Romany (Right to Education) campaign. The most important topics will be: the power of creativity – movies, theatre, music that is ambarrassing to talk about - all kinds of sex at all kinds of places; equal opportunities at school; equal opportunities and the media.
Európa Kiadó (28-29. May): A two day event at Gödör. The concerts are not only about the music or healing, we are in for a sort of civil revolution, where participants have the chance to get acquainted with Amnesty International, Greepeace, Védegylet, World Fair Trade, Budapest Korzó, the Clean Air Action Group and Tilos Radio and their objectives.
Non-Profit Night (26. 06. 2010.): „We dreamt of a night which is about us, non-governmental organizations. A night, when everyone can learn who we are, what we do, how You can help us, how You can ask for our help.”
Ördögkatlan (04-08. 08. 2010.): This year we will also be attending Ördögkatlan Festival. One of our plan is to take part in the civil board game organized by the non-govermental organizations attending the festival. We also plan to hold screening of movies in the topics of our campaings, followed by round table discussions with invited speakers. Additionally we plan to hold human rights training to the festival participants.
For our activists, we can grant discount ticket prices (500 HUF/person)!
Sziget 2010 (11-16. 08. 2010.): We are happy to inform You that our application to Civil Sziget was accepted yesterday. This makes the Friday activist meetings more significant, we need Your ideas to make a professional impression on Sziget.
If you would like to attend summer festivals with AI, send us an e-mail to!
Romany campaign:
We introduced the first petition of our „Right to Housing” campaign on the 7th April 2010, in which AI is asking the activist to write letters to the mayor of Csíkszereda.
This petition is very important in the human rights work done by Amnesty International to stop forced evictions. So far 17 activist have signed, which we wish to than You here as well!
If You haven't already, sign it please!
Baltic Pride:
This year we focus on the LGBT rights campaign. Amnesty Internationals aim is the LGBT people living in the baltic countries can excercise their right to assebly, association and expression at Vilnius Baltic Pride on the 8th May, without suffering verbal and physical attacks during the march.

Call on the Lithuanian president to ensure the safe organization of 2010 Baltic Pride and the freedom of expression! Take an active role and sign the online petition!
We are looking for couriers!
We would like to start a volunteer courier service, to help our members by delivering their membership certificate.
If You can help us in delivering, please write to! Don't forget to merntion the district/part of the city in which You can undertake deliveries!
As you probabily noticed, there is a calendar on our website, which informs the users about our actual events. The homepage is under constant construction and update, beacuse we would like to make it more informative and user friendly.
There are running two tweets of Amnesty Hungary; you can follow the „aimiroda” and the „AIHUCAMPAIGNER”. The aimiroda provides insight into the daily life of the office. With AIHUCAMPAIGNER you can receive infomation about campaigning and events.
We will soon upload the photos of Roma Day on Picasa. Watch the page!
Amnesty International Hungary has more and more fans on Facebook. Watch the events and reports!
Best wishes and have a nice weekend!

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